A level headed and beautifully optimistic client said to me this morning that she’s noticing that the prestigious international law firm that she works for is experiencing a sociological shift in the past week. She’s noticed a great equalizer that’s happening; regardless of position, colleagues are relaxing and being more real. They’re showing up on zoom in their workout clothes, sans makeup, with the kids in the background and taking the time to really check in and ask each other ‘how are you right now? Can I help?’

  • We thrive when we show our accountability to each other’s wellbeing as well as our own.
  • We are really living the VUCA we’ve talked about for years now, is this crisis management your opportunity to advance your wellbeing leadership on a larger scale?
  • To reset the purpose and priorities of your organisation, and evolve new capacities for vitality and resilience within your workplace and yourself?

The Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey measures 6 categories of professional and personal wellbeing and Authentic Relationships is the first category.

Are you or members of your team:

  • Lacking visibility and retreating under pressure?
  • Experiencing compromised quality and frequency of interactions?
  • Lacking trust in leadership or just out of sorts in the severe disruption?

Now is the time to be communicating explicit concerns more thoughtfully, carefully and frequently, remembering that stress will be impacting how people are processing information. Your words are more important now than ever, so being clear about what you value and expect right now will go a long way in mitigating the risks.

If you are having trouble finding your centre and would like to use this time to learn stress-reducing meditation I will be offering free online training in the coming weeks, contact me to register your interest.
